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win32 Windows. ;-)

, notead.exe :
1. c TestService TestNotepadService:
InstallEXEStart -SNTestService -SDTestNotepadService -Enotepad.exe c:\readme.txt
2. TestService:
 a. net start TestService
 b. ""
3. TestService:
RemoveEXEStart.exe -SNTestService

exestart makes you able to start every win32 application as windows service. May be very useful.

So, let's see, as example, how to start notead.exe as windows service:
1. Create service named TestService and with displayed name TestNotepadService:
InstallEXEStart -SNTestService -SDTestNotepadService -Enotepad.exe c:\readme.txt
2. Start created service TestService:
 a. console command net start TestService
 b. GUI interface "Services"
3. Remove windows service TestService:
RemoveEXEStart.exe -SNTestService

Download exestart..

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